If after booking, you are unable to attend the rally, please inform the Rally Secretary.All rallies will be signposted prior to the site. Please ring Rally Secretary prior rally with limited electrics, to confirm whether you have one reserved.

Personal Generators  may only be used between 11am and 6 pm, on sites with owner approval and without hook-ups, except for medical reasons. For site harmony please tell the Marshals on arrival, in order to be placed appropriately. Be prepared to switch off if causing annoyance, through noise or fumes. Their decision is final.All weekend rallies start at 5pm.

All holiday rallies require a non-returnable £25 deposit with the rally slipAll other rallies will require a non-returnable deposit of £5. Bookings for holiday rallies will be from Saturday to Saturday and will be for FULL WEEKS ONLY. THE BALANCE TO BE PAID BY DATE STATED AGAINST RALLY (normally month prior) or the booking will be deemed to have been cancelled and no place will be reserved.

Anyone wishing to arrive early to a holiday rally site MUST BOOK DIRECTLY WITH THE SITE OWNERS AND MAKE THE REQUIRED PAYMENT DIRECTLY TO THEM as Jaguar CCC will no longer get involved. If arriving before the rally marshals, be prepared to move, if required. 

Where it is deemed that two families occupy a single unit pitch, extra charges will be made in line with the sites wishes, or at the discretion of the club, but all extra adults must be members of the Association and MUST be notified to the Rally Secretary, in advance. All cheque's, postal orders should be made payable to  Jaguar Camping & Caravan Club and a SAE enclosed, if a receipt is required. 

Transfers to Jaguar Camping & Caravan Club can be made to our Account 88737060 Sort Code 30 99 50 at Lloyds Bank. All rally slips, deposits and monies to the Rally Secretary. Please try & book on rallies early, to help us avoid cancelling rallies.

Food disclaimer: 

Due to health and safety regulations we have been advised to inform everyone that none of the Marshals have a food hygiene certificate and therefore you eat at your own risk. 

PARENTS, your children are your responsibility, please ensure they respect other campers and landowner’s property at all times and do not behave in a manner likely to cause nuisance to others and are not allowed in halls, etc. without you.

IMPORTANT NOTICE Please familiarise yourselves with the Association Site Rules (see front of the rally book) and adhere to them.